Learn Biomimicry
Learn Biomimicry’s purpose is to help you do exactly that…learn biomimicry. Drawing from 10+ years of experience, we’ve built online courses and programmes with world-class biomimicry practitioners, influential educators, and accomplished professionals to bring you Nature’s winning strategies.
Ideal Learner
Biomimicry isn’t just for biologists and scientists. Biomimicry is like nature; it’s diverse, open and permissionless. From discovering design solutions in architecture and engineering to rethinking business and social systems, education, and sustainability, biomimicry goes beyond a single career.
Whether you're helping create an innovative organisation, starting a new project, or pushing the boundaries of sustainability – biomimicry gives you nature's tried and tested strategies to solve any challenge.
Learning Community Type
"The Biomimicry Practitioner Programme promotes learning from nature to create more sustainable human designs. It inspired me to look at the world through a different lens. It was an excellent course with well-defined and applied biomimicry concepts, tools, and principles to create biomimetic designs. I learned to apply nature’s design principles, strategies, functions, and patterns to my design to create human-made designs. The team is so knowledgeable and never failed to give me a nudge to dive deeper into the research. Designing with the Biomimicry Life’s Principles in mind definitely inspired me to continue my biomimicry learning journey and incorporate nature-inspired design into my daily life." - Sylvia Billisics, Dipl. Architecture and Designer