Effortless Discussions, Threads, and Direct Messaging

Our latest feature Discussions, Threads and DMs, helps you explore all your Disco communications in an organized and user-friendly way. We've also introduced a dedicated page for Direct Messages and a new 'Threads' feature in the left navigation. This update not only simplifies the process of tracking engagement but also helps you drive engagement between your members in your learning community.
With Discussions, Threads, and DMs, you can:
- Access all community channels in a centralized location with your alphabetized discussions list in the community navigation.
- Explore the new dedicated page to display all your DMs and a “Direct Messages” nav item on the left navigation.
- Dive into the new “Threads’ item in the left navigation and view the most recent messages and replies to threads you are a part of, whether it is a thread in a DM or a Channel.
- Stay updated and receive notifications about unread threads in the left navigation.
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