November 2024 Product Release Roundup

Learn Mode
Enable administrators to participate in courses to better understand and optimize the learning experience. Learn Mode allows Admins, Product Managers and Instructors to complete the Curriculum like a Member would without the need to create a separate Member Account.
With Learn Mode, you can:
- Preview course content exactly as learners see it.
- Gain insights into user engagement with interactive course components.
- Identify and address areas for improvement in your curriculum.
Additional Certificate Customization
Provide a more personalized touch to learner achievements by displaying the Product name on certificate or a free text field for any additional data you want shown on the certificate.
With this feature improvement, you can:
- Customize certificates with unique product names.
- Reflect specific program details to acknowledge individual milestones.
- Ensure compliance with industry or institutional requirements.
Learn more
Learning Community Directory
Showcase your community to help members discover you.
Platform Tour
Take a tour to experience the Disco platform as an admin and learner.
Help Center
Find platform tutorials and how-to-resources to best utilize the Disco platform.