Part VI

Set the stage for high learner engagement

Set the stage for high learner engagement

What you'll learn in this article:

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  • List item 4
You can’t have a successful learning community without learning engagement—it’s the driving force behind any thriving cohort learning program.

Learner engagement sets the tone for an interactive and productive learning journey. The more engagement there is, the stronger the sense of community and shared experience, which in turn enhances learning outcomes and boosts course completion rates.

By laying a solid foundation for engagement from the outset, you ensure that learners stay motivated and connected throughout the course. Here’s how to do it effectively.

Define what ‘engaged learners’ means in your community

Engaging learners can mean different things, depending on the type of course and the KPIs you’re tracking. Student engagement strategies are essential methods to foster student involvement and motivation in educational and corporate settings.

From the beginning, you should be thinking about how members will interact—like through event attendance, participation in coaching sessions, completion of assignments, or providing feedback and testimonials. This will help you crystalize the idea of engagement, and what it means to have “high engagement”.

Part of this process is establishing clear engagement metrics and expectations early on so that you can craft your learning experiences to guide and motivate learners in their journeys.

Learner Engagement scores on reports hosted on Disco

Bonus tip: Disco lets you create a weighted engagement score system. This lets you determine the importance of each type of interaction, like completing modules or leaving comments. It’s a more accurate way to ensure your learners are getting what you want out of your content.

Gamify learner engagement strategies for sticky results

Who doesn’t love a good game? Gamification is a powerful tool that you can use to boost engagement and motivation among learners. Using a leaderboard to track and display learner achievements helps to create some friendly competition and collaboration, enhancing behavioral engagement by encouraging learners' actions and efforts to complete tasks using a learning management system.

Gamify learning with Learner Leaderboards on Disco

This approach, based on the LC engagement framework, encourages consistent participation and helps maintain high energy levels within the cohort.

Put AI to work to keep learners engaged

AI prompts can help keep community engagement alive by dropping in conversation prompts, questions, and quizzes to get the chat hopping again. Disco AI can enhance cognitive engagement by presenting training materials effectively, enabling learners to actively participate and employ various strategies to assimilate information. You can even use it to answer learner queries so that everyone feels engaged and supported, even if you’re not online.

It can also be used to process engagement data—such as for event attendance—and surface useful insights that help you plan for future learning experiences.

Disco AI Q&A bot providing suggested answers to learner questions

Offer ways of engaging all types of learners for a better learning experience

Engagement isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept. That’s especially true in an online learning environment, where everyone ingests, processes, and engages with learning materials in their own way. Adult learners, in particular, require tailored approaches to maximize their engagement, as they often juggle numerous responsibilities.

To foster an inclusive environment—one that supports and engages all types of learners—you should provide various means through which course goers can engage with their cohort. This may mean supporting an engaged learner in sessions, including live events, coaching or group sessions, reading materials, and video content.

Disco's AI-powered social learning platform

This will ensure that all learners can participate in a way that suits them best, enhancing their overall experience and boosting engagement.

Encourage learners through ongoing feedback loops

Constructive feedback is essential for the growth and improvement of any learning program. By regularly gathering and acting on learner feedback, you can adapt and refine your courses to better meet their needs. This ongoing dialogue not only improves the course content but also makes learners feel valued and heard, which is critical for sustaining engagement over time.

Polls & surveys on Disco

Learner success stories

One way to encourage learners and increase emotional engagement is by sharing learner success stories within your community. Highlighting achievements and milestones not only motivates others but also fosters a sense of belonging and pride among participants. When learners see their peers succeed, it encourages them to stay engaged and strive for similar outcomes.

Wrapping up

Setting the stage for high learner engagement is not just about creating a lively community—it’s about fostering an environment where learners are emotionally invested in their education. By focusing on emotional engagement, offering diverse interaction opportunities, leveraging AI, and providing continuous feedback, you create a learning experience that is both fulfilling and effective.

This proactive approach not only improves learning outcomes but also ensures that your community thrives, with learners who are motivated, connected, and eager to participate.

Up next: Grow your learner base and results – analyze key learnings to continuously improve and iterate on your learning experience.

Ready to start your cohort-based course? Sign up and create your own Disco account, free for 14 days!


Part I: Cohort-based courses 101

Discover why cohort-based learning is more effective and drives higher results. This model fosters a sense of community building, encourages collaboration, and provides a structured yet flexible learning environment.

Part II: Why create a cohort-based course with Disco?

Understand the key benefits of a cohort-based learning model thoughtfully integrated with AI. With Disco, online academies can offer cohort-based online courses featuring live classes, personalized learning pathways, enhanced student interaction, and much more.

Part III: Defining your social learning program

Step-by-step instructions to set your online course up for surefire success. Learn how to integrate social learning elements in your cohort courses and foster a sense of community among your learners.

Part IV: Create your course

Course creation 101, plus tools like events and AI to give your content a boost. Discover how to structure your online cohort-based courses effectively and leverage innovative tools to enrich the cohort learning experience.

Part V: Sign up and organize your members

Drive membership and designate groups for maximum organization and engagement. Learn how to manage your cohort-based programs to ensure smooth communication and collaboration.

Part VI: Set the stage for high engagement

Encourage collaboration with the power of AI gamification and multiple interactive tools. Create a dynamic learning environment in your online course cohort that keeps learners motivated and involved.

Part VII: Grow your learner base and results

Analyze key learnings to continuously improve and iterate on your learning experience. Utilize data-driven insights and student feedback to expand your reach and enhance educational outcomes.

Part VIII: Run, iterate, and scale

Learn productivity hacks to expand and grow – without extra effort. Implement strategies to scale your cohort-based online learning programs efficiently.

Ready to supercharge your cohort-based courses?

Disco is specifically built for modern orgs who want to easily and quickly create cohort-based courses that engage learners. Is that you?