Cohort-based Courses 101: What is a cohort-based course?

Cohort-based Courses 101: What is a cohort-based course?

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You might feel intimidated if you’ve never created a cohort-based online course. The best place to start is identifying what a cohort-based course is, how it’s different from asynchronous, or individual learning, and if it’s right for your team’s needs.

In fact, we’ve created an AI-powered social learning platform that takes online education to whole new levels. Think of a customizable platform that looks and acts just like your own branded tool, automations that help you increase community engagement while decreasing time and effort, and even the ability to integrate your existing tech stack (because people really, really love using Slack).

So if you’re curious about the benefits of creating a cohort-based learning program, the different platforms out there, and how to just do the damn thing, pull up a virtual chair: let’s go.

What is a cohort-based course?

A cohort-based course, or cohort program, is often a virtual learning experience in which members engage together. Think of an online bootcamp or a group of new hires all completing their onboarding simultaneously. It differs from self-paced learning, commonly known as MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), where learners study independently.

Creating a cohort-based course on Disco's AI-powered social learning platform

Not every cohort-based course is designed the same, but typically there are multiple opportunities for students and teachers to engage with each other. This could include events (both live and pre-recorded), break-out sessions, assignments, and even an ongoing chat or forum to allow for questions and info sharing.

Elements of a cohort-based learning model

Alright, education enthusiasts! Let's dive deeper into the secret sauce that makes cohort-based learning so darn effective. We're talking about the key ingredients that turn a regular online course into a learning fiesta.

Buckle up, because we're about to explore the elements that'll make your cohort-based course the talk of the virtual town!

Live events: The heart-pumping action of synchronous learning

Get ready for some real-time action with live sessions and workshops. It's like a party, but with learning! Picture this: you're in your comfiest pajamas (no judgment here), cup of coffee in hand, ready to dive into a live session that'll blow your mind.

These live events are the beating heart of your cohort-based online courses. They're where the magic happens, folks! You've got your instructor, live and in living color (or at least in HD video), dropping knowledge bombs left and right.

But here's the kicker - it's not just a one-way street. Oh no, this is where learners get to flex their mental muscles, ask burning questions, and engage in discussions that could rival the most heated debates on forums.

Events and other engagement tools embeded into the learning experience on Disco

Live events include:

  1. Interactive lectures: Think TED Talk meets Q&A session.
  2. Panel discussions: Bring in experts to duke it out (intellectually, of course) on hot topics.
  3. Live demonstrations: Show, don't just tell. It's like a cooking show, but for whatever you're teaching.
  4. Q&A sessions: The educational equivalent of "Ask Me Anything" threads.

Expert tip: Throw in some live polls or quizzes to keep everyone on their toes. It's like the learning equivalent of a surprise dance number - unexpected, engaging, and oh-so-fun!

Polls & surveys built on Disco's social learning platform

Pre-recorded content: The gift that keeps on giving

For those times when live just isn't possible (or when you need a replay because you dozed off during the live session - hey, it happens to the best of us). Pre-recorded content is like the Swiss Army knife of your cohort-based course - versatile, reliable, and always there when you need it.

AI-generated video and live event summaries, chapters, and transcripts

For those times when live just isn't possible (or when you need a replay because you dozed off during the live session - hey, it happens to the best of us). Pre-recorded content is like the Swiss Army knife of your cohort-based course - versatile, reliable, and always there when you need it.

Types of pre-recorded content could include:

  1. Lecture videos: The meat and potatoes of your course content.
  2. Tutorial videos: Step-by-step guides that learners can pause and rewind.
  3. Expert interviews: Bring in the big guns to share their wisdom.
  4. Animated explainers: Sometimes, you need a cartoon to explain complex concepts.

Remember, just because it's pre-recorded doesn't mean it has to be boring. Channel your inner YouTuber and make these videos engaging, and entertaining, and maybe even sprinkle in a few Easter eggs for the eagle-eyed viewers!

Break-out sessions: Where the real learning happens

Small group discussions to dive deep into topics. It's like the educational equivalent of a huddle in football. Break-out sessions are where learners roll up their sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty.

Unlike self-paced online courses, these sessions are the secret weapon of cohort learning. They are where learners can apply what they've learned, debate ideas, and really sink their teeth into the material. It's like turning your learners into a team of detectives, each bringing their unique perspective to crack the case of whatever topic you're exploring.

Live break-out sessions hosted on Disco's social learning platform

Ideas for break-out sessions:

  1. Case study analyses: Put those problem-solving skills to the test!
  2. Debate clubs: Nothing like a friendly argument to cement learning.
  3. Project-based learning: Collaboration is the name of the game.
  4. Peer reviews and group learning: Because sometimes, the best teacher is your classmate.

Expert tip: Mix up the groups regularly. It's like educational speed dating - everyone gets a chance to learn from different perspectives! Here's a short tutorial on how to create groups and subgroups in the Disco platform:

Assignments: Putting knowledge into action

Because what's learning without a little homework? Don't worry, there's no detention in virtual school! Assignments are where the rubber meets the road, where theory transforms into practical skills.

But forget about those dreary essays you used to write in school. In the world of cohort-based learning, assignments can be as creative and engaging as your imagination allows. They're not just about testing knowledge - they're about applying it in real-world scenarios.

Disco learning content: lessons, assignments, tasks, quizzes, and more.

Types of assignments could include:

  1. Project-based tasks: Create something tangible related to the course material.
  2. Real-world application challenges: Take what you've learned and use it in your daily life or work.
  3. Collaborative assignments: Team up with fellow learners to tackle a big problem.
  4. Reflective journaling: Sometimes, the most important conversations are the ones we have with ourselves.

Remember, the goal isn't to stress out your learners but to give them opportunities to flex their new skills. It's like going to the gym for your brain - a little resistance builds strength!

Ongoing chat or forum: The digital water cooler

A place for questions, discussions, and maybe the occasional meme. It's the digital water cooler of your learning community. This is where the lines between formal learning and casual conversation blur, creating a rich, ongoing dialogue that extends beyond scheduled sessions.

Chat, Discussions, DMs, and Threads

Think of it as the 24/7 study group, always open for business. It's where learners can ask those "dumb questions" (spoiler alert: there are no dumb questions), share interesting related content, or even just geek out about the topic at hand.

Features of a great online community space:

  1. Topic-specific channels: Keep discussions organized and easy to follow.
  2. Q&A sections: Encourage learners to help each other out.
  3. Resource sharing: Create a knowledge bank that grows with each cohort.
  4. Fun zones: Because all work and no play makes for a dull learning experience.

Expert tip: Don't be afraid to jump in and stir the pot occasionally. Drop a controversial opinion or a mind-bending question to get those discussion juices flowing! Ask Disco AI chat for prompt suggestions and let it answer your member queries, so you don't have to.

Putting it all together

Now, here's the real magic: when you combine all these elements, you create a learning experience that's greater than the sum of its parts. It's like assembling the Avengers of education - each element brings its superpower to create an unstoppable force of learning.

The live events provide real-time interaction and immediate feedback. The pre-recorded content offers flexibility and the ability to review complex topics. Break-out sessions foster deeper understanding and peer learning. Assignments allow for the practical application of knowledge. And the ongoing chat or forum keeps the learning going 24/7. These cohort courses are very different from a self-paced course and traditional education, making collaborative learning the core of the program.

Disco, the #1 AI-powered social learning platform

Together, these elements create a rich, immersive learning environment that keeps learners engaged, motivated, and coming back for more. It's not just about delivering information - it's about creating a journey of discovery that your learners take together.

So there you have it, folks! The key ingredients to cook up a cohort-based learning experience that'll have your learners coming back for seconds (and thirds, and fourths...). Remember, the goal is to create not just a course, but a community of learners who support and inspire each other.

Now go forth and create that awesome cohort-based course! Your future learners are out there, just waiting to have their minds blown by your educational awesomeness. Let's make learning an adventure!

Why should you create a cohort-based course?

When people learn together, there can be huge benefits. Cohort-based learning programs can actually see completion rates 187% higher than self-paced courses, meaning your learners are engaged, getting what they want out of their online education, and hopefully referring others to your cohort-based learning model.

Cohort-based courses provide a unique opportunity to learn together—individuals can reach out to others to start discussions, share insights, and ask questions. And let’s not forget: learning together can even be fun, and when things are fun, people are more likely to keep doing them!

If you have information valuable to other learners, creating a cohort-based course or program could be a valuable and efficient way of sharing that knowledge with a more engaged community receptive to learning.

Together, these elements create a rich, immersive learning environment that keeps learners engaged, motivated, and coming back for more. It's not just about delivering information - it's about creating a journey of discovery that your learners take together.

So there you have it, folks! The key ingredients to cook up a cohort-based learning experience that'll have your learners coming back for seconds (and thirds, and fourths...). Remember, the goal is to create not just a course, but a community of learners who support and inspire each other.

Now go forth and create that awesome cohort-based course! Your future learners are out there, just waiting to have their minds blown by your educational awesomeness. Let's make learning an adventure!

Up next: Why create a cohort-based course with Disco – understand the key benefits of social-first learning and thoughtfully integrated AI.

Ready to start your cohort-based course? Sign up and create your own Disco account, free for 14 days!


Part I: Cohort-based courses 101

Discover why cohort-based learning is more effective and drives higher results. This model fosters a sense of community building, encourages collaboration, and provides a structured yet flexible learning environment.

Part II: Why create a cohort-based course with Disco?

Understand the key benefits of a cohort-based learning model thoughtfully integrated with AI. With Disco, online academies can offer cohort-based online courses featuring live classes, personalized learning pathways, enhanced student interaction, and much more.

Part III: Defining your social learning program

Step-by-step instructions to set your online course up for surefire success. Learn how to integrate social learning elements in your cohort courses and foster a sense of community among your learners.

Part IV: Create your course

Course creation 101, plus tools like events and AI to give your content a boost. Discover how to structure your online cohort-based courses effectively and leverage innovative tools to enrich the cohort learning experience.

Part V: Sign up and organize your members

Drive membership and designate groups for maximum organization and engagement. Learn how to manage your cohort-based programs to ensure smooth communication and collaboration.

Part VI: Set the stage for high engagement

Encourage collaboration with the power of AI gamification and multiple interactive tools. Create a dynamic learning environment in your online course cohort that keeps learners motivated and involved.

Part VII: Grow your learner base and results

Analyze key learnings to continuously improve and iterate on your learning experience. Utilize data-driven insights and student feedback to expand your reach and enhance educational outcomes.

Part VIII: Run, iterate, and scale

Learn productivity hacks to expand and grow – without extra effort. Implement strategies to scale your cohort-based online learning programs efficiently.

Ready to supercharge your cohort-based courses?

Disco is specifically built for modern orgs who want to easily and quickly create cohort-based courses that engage learners. Is that you?